Çalıştaya katılmaya hak kazananlar aşağıdaki içeriği dikkate alarak 5-10 slayt içeren 10 dakikayı geçmeyecek bir sunum hazırlamaları ve sunmaları beklenmektedir.
- Amaç ve önem
- Araştırma soruları
- Kavramsal Çerçeve (uzun literatür anlatımı değil sadece tezde kullanılması planlanan kuramların isimleri ve kısa gerekçe)
- Yöntem (Araştırma modeli, örneklem, veri toplama aracı, veri analiz yöntemlerinin isimleri ve kısa gerekçe )
- Çalışmada danışılmak istenen en önemli konu ya da sorunun belirtilmesi
*Sunumlar sonrasında katkı sağlayacak akademisyenlerin yönlendirmesi ile çalıştay oturumları gerçekleştirilecektir.
* Lisansüstü Öğrenci Çalıştayı kapsamında Dr. Khalid Arar tarafından “Building your Scholarship Capacity in Education Administration & Leadership” adlı çalıştay düzenlenecektir.
Building your Scholarship Capacity in Education Administration & Leadership
Dr. Khalid Arar (Ph.D.)
Dean for Research and Associate Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis
Associate Editor, International Journal of Leadership in Education, Routledge.
The workshop will present cutting edge trends in the scholarship of education administration and leadership for novice scholars including designing scholar’s identity, research, and publication agenda. The workshop also attempts to answer the following questions:
(a) Which research can be published and how?
(b) What are the outlet of world of journals in Education Administration & Leadership?
(c) How you can build your scholarship capacity in international arenas?
About Dr. Khalid Arar
Dr. Khalid Arar, specializes in research on educational administration, leadership and policy analysis in education and higher education. He conducted studies in the Middle-East, Europe and in North America and in many other cross-national contexts. His research focuses broadly in equity and diversity in educational leadership and higher education. Dr. Arar is author of over 100 scholarly publications, while awarded highly commended paper by Emerald, and Outstanding paper by Sage publication. He serves as associate editor for the International Journal of Leadership. Dr. Arar is a board member of International Journal of Educational Management, Higher Education Policy, Journal of Education Administration & Applied Research in Higher Education. He authored Arab women in management and leadership (2013, Palgrave); Higher Education among the Palestinian Minority in Israel (2016, Palgrave, with Kussai Haj-Yehia); and edited six different books in Higher Education, Multicultural Education, and Educational Leadership; his forthcoming edited books include: Migrants, Refugees and Global Challenges in Higher Education (Peter Lang Publishing, with Kussai-Hej-Yehia; David Roose, & Yasar Kondakci) and Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a Changing World (Emerald Publishing, with Jeffrey Brooks & Ira Bogotch).
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